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Pedro Marques



Pedro Marques

My experience with music was always something experimental. I`ve never studied in any musical school or got graduated in anything related to that. My first contact I can recall was when learning to play acoustic guitar and I sang totally from my feeling to a friend of mine that told me I had a beautiful voice back in the in the days. Since that, I was always involved with some school bands or some other musical experience with friends. Around May of 2019, I was in need of studying guitar and vocals due to band I formed together with some friends and there were many songs we played that involved vocal distortion. This was when I started to search courses for that and I found Mr Gabriel Bonilla with his youtube channel, teaching a lot of distortion maneuvers with no complexity. I got in touch with him, first, trying to learn simple drive technics and it naturally evolved to growl, fry and death scream distortions due to my personal taste. My only reference, singing with distorted vocals was in a video that Mr Gabriel invited me to record when we were studing this song, called Ghost of Perdition, from Opeth. Nowadays, I keep studying the distorted vocals and I am working in something authorial that will be released by the end of 2022.

Zombie / Undead / Ghoul / Vampyr, Troll / Orc / Goblin, Demon, Alien, Beast, Wizard, Human, Animal / Small creature / Insect, Dragon, Robot, Skeleton